Am I an "active member" of St Bernadette Parish? With graduation from St Bernadette School right around the corner, many of the students will be continuing their Catholic education at a local Catholic High School. As active Catholics, you are eligible for tuition discounts. In order to be considered an active participating member of the parish and thus eligible for this reduced tuition rate, St Bernadette Parish takes into account a family's or individual's Mass attendance as well as their ministry involvement.
Since weekly offertory envelopes are the primary means of determining if parishioners are regularly attending Mass, we ask you place your envelope's in the collection basket each Sunday even if you cannot make a monetary contribution. Online donating is also a convenient option for parishioners. You may also be asked to be a sacramental sponsor. You must be a registered, contributing member for at least 3 months before a certificate of eligibility can be provided.
Thank you and God Bless.